How To Help - The Humanitarian Crises Around The World

I am not an activist, appointed spokesperson, political scientist, or study international relations. I am just someone who felt compelled to share the awareness of humanitarian crisis’s around the world. I’ve created this space to share information with the best of my abilities from people who do have validity in these matters. Below, there are links to helpful videos, articles, books, and ways to help underneath each cause. I will also add journalists and activist accounts who are privy to these matters with hopes that you come to this space to learn more and do your own research. At the bottom, you will also find a growing list of organizations to join, for those who want to take action toward these causes.

Palestine Under Israeli Occupation

Video Links

Article Links


Social Links to Follow


For those who feel compelled by all of this also but don’t know how to act, remember things like attending protests, sharing posts, and calling your representatives are a great start. Be sure to share posts that are not opinion based, rather informative with reliable sources in order to spread more correct information instead of false. Another very effective way to be heard is to boycott brands or companies that knowingly support oppression, displacement, and genocide. Here are some known brands to boycott that have made an impact in the last few weeks -

Starbucks, Mcdonalds, Burger King, Pepsi, Mars, Nestle, Coca Cola, KFC, TGI Fidays, Krispy Kreme, Pizza Hut, L’Oreal, Estee Lauder, Chanel, American Eagle, Victoria’s Secret, Kylie Jenner cosmetics, Johnson and Johnson, Disney Plus, Puma, and many more. These companies either openly stated they support Israel or aid Israel in funds, jobs, and other resources.

Modern Day Slavery in The Democratic Republic of Congo

Video Links

Article Links


Social Accounts to Follow


After reading about the D.R. of Congo’s abundance in cobalt, it’s important for us to know that we can help by refusing to buy new electronics. When it’s time to get a new phone, buy a used phone. Although electric cars are green, it comes at the cost of innocent people and their livelihood.

Civil War in Sudan and Darfur




Social Accounts to Follow


Systematic Racism of Black Americans and Native Americans in America




Social Accounts to Follow


Gender Apartheid by Taliban and Humanitarian Crisis in Afghanistan



Organizations to Join

Even if you don’t feel compelled to join, most organizations have newsletters that you can sign up for to stay updated on their targeted issues, protests, activist news, etc.